Monday, October 29, 2012

Painting 101: How to paint a super-clean line

Originally posted at DTTD

Since we moved into this house in 2001, I’ve done a LOT of painting. That’s what you do when you move into a house where practically ever room is painted pink or green ;-) Not only have I painted every room {plus a closet or two}, but almost every room has been painted at least twice {the living room a grand total of five times – UGH!}. Hubby says I keep decreasing the square footage of our house ;-)

Anyway, with all this painting under my belt, I thought I’d share some painting tips with you. Starting with…

How to paint a super-clean line between two paint colours

I picked up this tip quite a few years ago, and it hasn’t failed me yet. If you’re painting stripes or another shape on your wall, or if you want to transition between two paint colours, this is how to get a super-clean line.

LOGO outside corner taped STEP 1

LOGO outside corner taped STEP 2

LOGO outside corner taped STEP 3

LOGO outside corner taped STEP 4

LOGO outside corner taped STEP 5

LOGO chelsea gray 4

As you can see in these pictures, I transitioned paint colours on a rounded corner. Yes, you CAN have two different wall colours even if you have rounded corners! I’ll tell you how in the next Painting 101 post.

kelly sig


  1. Very good tutorials and tips! your newest follower!
    Hugs Vicky

    1. Thanks Vicky :-) Glad you enjoyed the tutorial - it works every time! :-)


  2. I actually free hand my edges....painfully hard :( I then decided to tape, it does require that extra step but the results are a lot more clean.

    Please check out my paint work (my first time painting too!)

